Sunday, April 22, 2012

C4K Summary: April

April spelled out in tress


His first blog post was on March Maddness. He talked about who he is going for which was Kentucky. He talked about how a player was suspened for his grades. I asked him if he thought this was fair. He replied with yes. His second post was about Spring Break and how he had not finished reading "The Hunger Games" for his book report. He stated that he was going to just watch the movie. I warned him how the movie was nothing like the book. He responded with how he finished the book and did his book report.


He blog post was about Pollution. She states the question why can't people just drive less. Her main outcry is why don't people just bike or walk to the places they need to go. I told her about how where I live that is not always an easy task to do since I live in Semmes and everything is in Mobile.


Charles is my final blog post and he created an Easter Egg on the Internet. He then created a short video that he says that he has many Easter Eggs that are beautiful and yummy to eat. I told him that he did a great job reading out loud and that his egg is very pretty.

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