Sunday, May 6, 2012

Project #13

My group was The Royal Court. It contained me and Laura Holifield.We had to collaborate for project #15 and 16 with out face to face contact. This was a challenge. The best way to get anything done and clear is via face to face contact but be the powers above said no. So that being the rules the main way me and Laura communicated was via SMS messaging. It was quick and easy and since I have an IPad and she has an IPhone free for me. YAY! Of course this was long, drawn out, and lengthy (all kinda mean the same right?). We didn't try skype or factime and I am not sure why. We had talked about it but never gave it a go. I think we did quite well without those added frustrations. We did a lot of communicating via Gmail. Thank you Google for pulling through for us. We also used Google Docs. Thank you again Google. It got a little confusing and at times I wanted to pull my hair out. Many times the whole sharing thing got mixed up and then Laura couldn't do something or I couldn't.  Yet this seemed to be the most efficient way in getting a lot said at once. At times we even used the telly. I think it worked well but it was hard to conquer. It is easier and faster to get things done in person but we may not always get to see the other in person. These are skills we need to keep in our back pocket.

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